New features on main

Known issues

  • SRVLOGIC-185 - Serverless logic operator builder is not able to find builder config ConfigMap.

    • Workaround - In the operator’s namespace create a copy of 'logic-operator-rhel8-builder-config' configMap with name 'sonataflow-operator-builder-config`.

  • SRVLOGIC-270 - Servlerless Logic Operator is picking the wrong builder image

    • Workaround - Configure the builder to pick this image instead (which is really the latest):

  • SRVLOGIC-220 - Monitoring tab or workflow list: Duration negative and timezone incorrect

  • SRVLOGIC-244 - Example serverless-workflow-loanbroker-example service discovery misconfiguration

  • SRVLOGIC-250 - DevUI Different UI results with dev and prod scenarios

Notable changes

  • SRVLOGIC-179 - Provide the option to specify workflow properties at several levels

  • SRVLOGIC-196 - Rollout operator’s deployment when custom configuration changes

Other changes and Bug fixes

  • SRVLOGIC-221 - Pod instances keep spawning and terminating when deploying the workflow

  • SRVLOGIC-223 - Kn CLI: Build of the sample project fails with NoSuchFileException

  • SRVLOGIC-224 - Multiple pods are started with a simple project

  • SRVLOGIC-225 - Incosistent versions of Quarkus core and platform across deliverables

  • SRVLOGIC-230 - SonataFlow Quarkus Dev UI is not loaded

  • SRVLOGIC-231 - Disable question about collecting Quarkus analytics

  • SRVLOGIC-235 - SonataFlow builder image is failing with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

  • SRVLOGIC-238 - SonataFlow examples are missing quarkus 3 upgrade

  • SRVLOGIC-239 - SonataFlow examples are downloading logic-data-index-ephemeral-rhel8 with version 1.32

  • SRVLOGIC-251 - Missing installation/prepare environment guide in documentation