Building and deploying functions on the cluster

  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines must be installed on your cluster.

  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.

  1. In each namespace where you want to run Pipelines and deploy a function, you must create the following resources:

    1. Create the functions buildpacks Tekton task to be able to build the function image:

      $ oc apply -f
    2. Create the kn func deploy Tekton task to be able to deploy the function in the pipeline:

      $ oc apply -f
  2. Create a function:

    $ kn func create <function_name> -l <runtime>
  3. After you have created a new function project, you must add the project to a Git repository and ensure that the repository is available to the cluster. Information about this Git repository is used to update the func.yaml file in the next step.

  4. Update the configuration in the func.yaml file for your function project to enable on-cluster builds for the Git repository:

    build: git (1)
      url: <git_repository_url> (2)
      revision: main (3)
      contextDir: <directory_path> (4)
    1 Required. Specify git build type.
    2 Required. Specify the Git repository that contains your function’s source code.
    3 Optional. Specify the Git repository revision to be used. This can be a branch, tag or commit.
    4 Optional. Specify the function’s directory path if the function is not located in the Git repository root folder.
  5. Implement the business logic of your function. Then, use Git to commit and push the changes.

  6. Deploy your function:

    $ kn func deploy --remote

    If you are not logged into the container registry referenced in your function configuration, you are prompted to provide credentials for the remote container registry that hosts the function image:

    Example output and prompts
    🕕 Creating Pipeline resources
    Please provide credentials for image registry used by Pipeline.
    ? Server:
    ? Username: my-repo
    ? Password: ********
       Function deployed at URL: http://test-function.default.svc.cluster.local
  7. To update your function, commit and push new changes by using Git, then run the kn func deploy --remote command again.