Building and Deploying Workflows with the Operator

This document describes how to build and deploy your workflow on a cluster using the Serverless Logic Operator.

Every time you need to change the workflow definition the system will (re)build a new immutable version of the workflow. If you’re still in development phase, please see the Developing Workflows with the Operator guide.

The build system implemented by the Serverless Logic Operator is not suitable for complex production use cases. Consider using an external tool to build your application such as Tekton and ArgoCD. The resulting image can then be deployed with SonataFlow custom resource. More details available at Setting a custom image in the default container section of the Customize the PodSpec Definition guide.

Follow the Kubernetes or OpenShift sections of this document based on the cluster you wish to build your workflows on.


Configuring the build system

The operator can build workflows on Kubernetes or OpenShift. On Kubernetes, it uses Kaniko and on OpenShift a standard BuildConfig.

The operator build system is not tailored for advanced production use cases and you can do only a few customizations.

Using another Workflow base builder image

If your scenario has strict policies for image usage, such as security or hardening constraints, you can replace the default image used by the operator to build the final workflow container image. Alternatively, you might want to test a nightly build with a bug fix or a custom image containing your customizations.

By default, the operator will use the image distributed upstream to build workflows. You can change this image by editing the SonataFlowPlatform custom resource in the namespace where you deployed your workflows:

Patching the current SonataFlowPlatform with the new builder image
# use `kubectl get sonataflowplatform` to get the SonataFlowPlatform name
kubectl patch sonataflowplatform <name> --patch  'spec:\n    build:\n    config:\n    baseImage: <your new image full name with tag>' -n <your_namespace>

Customize the base build Dockerfile

The operator uses the ConfigMap named logic-operator-rhel8-builder-config in the operator’s installation namespace (openshift-serverless-logic) to configure and run the workflow build process. You can change the Dockerfile entry in this ConfigMap to tailor the Dockerfile to your needs. Just be aware that this can break the build process.

Example of the sonataflow-operator-builder-config ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  Dockerfile: "FROM AS builder\n\n#
    variables that can be overridden by the builder\n# To add a Quarkus extension
    to your application\nARG QUARKUS_EXTENSIONS\n# Args to pass to the Quarkus CLI
    add extension command\nARG QUARKUS_ADD_EXTENSION_ARGS\n# Additional java/mvn arguments
    to pass to the builder\nARG MAVEN_ARGS_APPEND\n\n# Copy from build context to
    skeleton resources project\nCOPY --chown=1001 . ./resources\n\nRUN /home/kogito/launch/
    ./resources\n  \n#=============================\n# Runtime Run\n#=============================\nFROM\n\nENV LANG='en_US.UTF-8' LANGUAGE='en_US:en'\n
    \ \n# We make four distinct layers so if there are application changes the library
    layers can be re-used\nCOPY --from=builder --chown=185 /home/kogito/serverless-workflow-project/target/quarkus-app/lib/
    /deployments/lib/\nCOPY --from=builder --chown=185 /home/kogito/serverless-workflow-project/target/quarkus-app/*.jar
    /deployments/\nCOPY --from=builder --chown=185 /home/kogito/serverless-workflow-project/target/quarkus-app/app/
    /deployments/app/\nCOPY --from=builder --chown=185 /home/kogito/serverless-workflow-project/target/quarkus-app/quarkus/
    /deployments/quarkus/\n\nEXPOSE 8080\nUSER 185\nENV AB_JOLOKIA_OFF=\"\"\nENV JAVA_OPTS=\"
    -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager\"\nENV JAVA_APP_JAR=\"/deployments/quarkus-run.jar\"\n"
kind: ConfigMap
  name: logic-operator-rhel8-builder-config
  namespace: openshift-serverless-logic

The excerpt above is just an example. The current version might have a slightly different version. Don’t use this example in your installation.

Changing resources requirements

You can create or edit a SonataFlowPlatform in the workflow namespace specifying the resources requirements for the internal builder pods:

Example of SonataFlowPlatform
kind: SonataFlowPlatform
  name: sonataflow-platform
          memory: "64Mi"
          cpu: "250m"
          memory: "128Mi"
          cpu: "500m"

Every build process will reuse this configuration and start new instances based on it from now on.

Only one SonataFlowPlatform is allowed per namespace. Try fetching the one the operator created for you and edit it instead of trying to create another one.

You can fine tune the resources requirements for a particular workflow. Every workflow instance will have a SonataFlowBuild instance created with the same name as the workflow. You can edit the SonataFlowBuild custom resource and specify the same parameters. For example:

Example of SonataFlowBuild
kind: SonataFlowBuild
  name: my-workflow
        memory: "64Mi"
        cpu: "250m"
        memory: "128Mi"
        cpu: "500m"

This parameters will only apply to new build instances.

Passing arguments to the internal builder

You can pass build arguments (see Dockerfile ARG) to the SonataFlowBuild instance.

  1. Create or edit an existing SonataFlowBuild instance. It has the same name of the SonataFlow you’re trying to build.

    Checking if the SonataFlowBuild instance already exists
    kubectl edit sonataflowbuild/<name> -n <namespace>
  2. Add to the .spec.buildArgs the desired arguments.

    Adding buildArgs to the SonataFlowBuild instance
    kind: SonataFlowBuild
      name: <name>
        - name: ARG1
          value: value1
        - name: ARG2
          value: value2
  3. Save the file and exit. A new build should start soon with the new configuration.

Alternatively, you can set this information in the SonataFlowPlatform, so that every new build instance will use it as a template. For example:

Example of a SonataFlowPlatform instance with default build args for every build within the namespace
kind: SonataFlowPlatform
  name: <name>
        - name: ARG1
          value: value1
        - name: ARG2
          value: value2

Since the buildArgs attribute is an array of Kubernetes EnvVar object, you can refer to a ConfigMap or Secret to pass this value, for example. You’re not restricted by a plain value.

On Minikube and Kubernetes only plain values, ConfigMap and Secret are supported due to a restriction on the build system provided by these platforms.

The table below lists the Dockerfile arguments available in the default Serverless Logic Operator installation:

Table 1. Default ARG definitions in the builder Dockerfile
Argument Description Example


List of Quarkus Extensions separated by comma that the builder should add to the workflow.



Arguments passed to the Quarkus CLI when adding extensions. Enabled only when QUARKUS_EXTENSIONS is not empty.

See the Quarkus CLI documentation


Arguments passed to the maven build when the workflow build is produced.

-Dkogito.persistence.type=jdbc -Dquarkus.datasource.db-kind=postgresql

Setting environment variables in the internal builder

You can set environment variables to the SonataFlowBuild internal builder pod. This is useful in cases where you would like to influence only the build of the workflow.

These environment variables are valid for the build context only. They are not set on the final built workflow image.

  1. Create or edit an existing SonataFlowBuild instance. It has the same name of the SonataFlow you’re trying to build.

    Checking if the SonataFlowBuild instance already exists
    kubectl edit sonataflowbuild/<name> -n <namespace>
  2. Add to the .spec.envs the desired data.

    Setting environment variables in the SonataFlowBuild instance
    kind: SonataFlowBuild
      name: <name>
        - name: MYENV1
          value: value1
        - name: MYENV2
          value: value2
  3. Save the file and exit. A new build should start soon with the new configuration.

Alternatively, you can set this information in the SonataFlowPlatform, so that every new build instances will use it as a template. For example:

Example of a SonataFlowPlatform instance with default envs for every build within the namespace
kind: SonataFlowPlatform
  name: <name>
        - name: MYENV1
          value: value1
        - name: MYENV2
          value: value2

Since the envs attribute is an array of Kubernetes EnvVar object, you can refer to a ConfigMap or Secret to pass this value, for example. You’re not restricted by a plain value.

On Minikube and Kubernetes only plain values, ConfigMap and Secret are supported due to a restriction on the build system provided by these platforms.

Building on Kubernetes

You can skip this section if you’re running on OpenShift.

Follow these steps to configure your Kubernetes namespace to build workflow images with the operator.

Create a Namespace for the building phase

Create a new namespace that will hold all the resources that the operator will create (Pods, Deployments, Services, Secrets, ConfigMap, and Custom Resources) in this guide.

Create a Namespace for the workflow to build and run in
kubectl create namespace workflows
# set the workflows namespace to your context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=workflows

Create a Secret for the container registry authentication

You can follow these steps to publish on external registry that requires authentication. If you’re running on Minikube, just enable the internal registry. You can skip this whole section since the internal Minikube registry doesn’t require authentication.

Create a secret for the container registry authentication
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<registry_url> --docker-username=<registry_username> --docker-password=<registry_password> --docker-email=<registry_email> -n workflows

or you can directly import your local Docker config into your Kubernetes cluster:

Create a Secret for the container registry authentication based on local Docker config
kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=${HOME}/.docker/config.json -n workflows

Double-check your ${HOME}/.docker/config.json. If you’re using local desktop authentication, this configuration won’t work in the cluster. You can initialize this by logging in to the target registry, e.g. docker login.

Configure the Serverless Logic Operator (i.e. registry address, secret) for building your Workflows

The SonataFlowPlatform is the Custom Resource used to control the behavior of the Serverless Logic Operator. It defines the behavior of the operator when handling all OpenShift Serverless Logic Custom Resources (Workflow and Build) in the given namespace.

Since the operator is installed in global mode, you will need to specify a SonataFlowPlatform in each Namespace where you want to deploy Workflows.

If you have deployed a workflow for development you already have a SonataFlowPlatform custom resource since the operator created one for you. Just edit the one you have.

Following is a very basic SonataFlowPlatform Custom Resource example to work on Kubernetes:

Example of a basic SonataFlowPlatform on Kubernetes
kind: SonataFlowPlatform
  name: sonataflow-platform
        KanikoBuildCacheEnabled: "true"
        address: (1)
        secret: regcred (2)
1 Your registry address
2 The secret name created in the steps above

On Minikube, you can remove the registry information entirely since you don’t need credentials for pushing to the internal registry:

Example of a basic SonataFlowPlatform on Minikube
kind: SonataFlowPlatform
  name: sonataflow-platform
        KanikoBuildCacheEnabled: "true"

The enables the internal Kaniko process to cache builder images to try to speed up the building execution.

The minikube registry addon must be enabled as follows.

minikube addons enable registry

To verify that the addon was property enabled:

minikube addons list |grep registry
| registry                    | minikube | enabled ✅   | minikube                       |
| registry-aliases            | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (unknown)            |
| registry-creds              | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (UPMC Enterprises)   |

You can save this file locally and run the following command:

Create a SonataFlowPlatform
kubectl apply -f my-sonataflowplatform.yaml -n workflows

You can also update "on-the-fly" the SonataFlowPlatform registry field with this command (change <YOUR_REGISTRY>)

Create a SonataFlowPlatform with a specific registry
cat my-sonataflowplatform.yaml | sed "s|address: .*|address: <YOUR_REGISTRY>" | kubectl apply -f -

Building on OpenShift

You don’t need to do anything to build on OpenShift since the operator will configure everything for you. There are a few customizations you can do described in the [configure-build-system] section.

In general, the operator will create a BuildConfig to build the workflow using the mapped resource files and your workflow definition. After the build is finished, the image will be pushed to the internal OpenShift registry backed by an ImageStream object.

Changing the base builder image

If you are running on OpenShift, you have access to the Red Hat’s supported registry. You can change the default builder image by editing the sonataflow-operator-builder-config ConfigMap.

kubectl edit cm/logic-operator-rhel8-builder-config -n openshift-serverless-logic

In your editor, change the first line in the Dockerfile entry where it reads FROM to the desired image.

This image must be compatible with your operator’s installation.

Build and deploy your workflow

You can now send your workflow definition (SonataFlow) to the operator.

You can find a basic SonataFlow bellow:

Example of the greetings workflow example
kind: SonataFlow
  name: greeting
  annotations: Greeting example on k8s! 0.0.1
    start: ChooseOnLanguage
      - name: greetFunction
        type: custom
        operation: sysout
      - name: ChooseOnLanguage
        type: switch
          - condition: "${ .language == \"English\" }"
            transition: GreetInEnglish
          - condition: "${ .language == \"Spanish\" }"
            transition: GreetInSpanish
        defaultCondition: GreetInEnglish
      - name: GreetInEnglish
        type: inject
          greeting: "Hello from JSON Workflow, "
        transition: GreetPerson
      - name: GreetInSpanish
        type: inject
          greeting: "Saludos desde JSON Workflow, "
        transition: GreetPerson
      - name: GreetPerson
        type: operation
          - name: greetAction
              refName: greetFunction
                message:  ""
        end: true

Save a file in your local file system with this content named greetings-workflow.yaml then run:

kubectl apply -f greetings-workflow.yaml -n workflows

You can check the logs of the build of your Workflow via:

Get the Workflow pod logs
# on Kubernetes
kubectl logs kogito-greeting-builder -n workflows

# on OpenShift
oc logs buildconfig/greeting -n workflows

The final pushed image must be printed into the logs at the end of the build.

Check if the Workflow is running

In order to check that the OpenShift Serverless Logic Greeting is up and running, you can try to perform a test HTTP call, from the greeting Pod.

  1. Expose the workflow so you can access it:

    Exposing the greeting workflow on Minikube
    # On Minikube you can use Nodeport
    kubectl patch svc greeting -n workflows -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}'
    GREETING_SVC=$(minikube service greeting -n workflows --url)
    Exposing the greeting workflow on OpenShift
    # On OpenShift you can expose a route:
    oc expose svc greeting -n workflows
    # get the public URL
    GREETING_SVC=$(oc get route/greeting --template='{{}}')
  2. Make the HTTP call using curl:

    Check if the greeting workflow is running
    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H 'Accept:application/json' -d '{"name": "John", "language": "English"}' $GREETING_SVC/greeting

    If everything is working, you should receive a response like this:

    Response from the greeting workflow
    {"id":"b5fbfaa3-b125-4e6c-9311-fe5a3577efdd","workflowdata":{"name":"John","language":"English","greeting":"Hello from JSON Workflow, "}}

Restarting a build

If you require to restart the build for some reason, you can add or edit the annotation true in the SonataFlowBuild instance.

For example:

Example of a SonataFlowBuild marked to restart
kind: SonataFlowBuild
  name: greeting
  annotations: true

After editing the resource, the operator will start a new build of the workflow. Once this is finished, the workflow will be notified and updated accordingly.

If the build fails, but the workflow has a working deployment, the operator won’t roll out a new deployment.

Ideally you should use this feature if there’s a problem with your workflow or the initial build revision.

Found an issue?

If you find an issue or any misleading information, please feel free to report it here. We really appreciate it!