Data Index Core Concepts

In OpenShift Serverless Logic platform there is a dedicated supporting service that stores the data related to the workflow instances and their associated jobs called Data Index service. This service also provides a GraphQL endpoint allowing users to query that data and perform operations, also known as mutations in GraphQL terms.

The data processed by the Data Index service is usually received via events. The events consumed can be generated by any workflow or the Job service itself. This event communication can be configured in different ways as described in the Data Index communication configuration section.

The Data Index service uses Apache Kafka or Knative eventing to consume CloudEvents messages from workflows. The event data is indexed and stored in the database for querying via GraphQL. These events contain information about units of work executed for a workflow. The Data Index service is at the core of all OpenShift Serverless Logic search, insight, and management capabilities.

The OpenShift Serverless Logic Data Index Service has the following key attributes:

  • Flexible data structure

  • Distributable and cloud-ready format

  • Message-based communication with workflows (Apache Kafka, Knative, CloudEvents)

  • Powerful querying API using GraphQL

  • Management capabilities using the Gateway API, to perform actions using GraphQL syntax on remote runtimes with a single entrypoint

Data Index service in OpenShift Serverless Logic

The OpenShift Serverless Logic Data Index Service is a Quarkus application, based on Vert.x with Reactive Messaging, that exposes a GraphQL endpoint that client applications use to access indexed data and perform management operations related to running workflow instances.

The indexing functionality in the Data Index service is provided by choosing one of the following persistence providers:

The Data Index Service has been thought of as an application to store and query the existing workflow data. The data comes contained in events. The service allows multiple connection options as described in the Data Index service communication configuration section.

Data Index scenarios

Data Index is distributed in different ways to allow deployment in different topologies, and depending on how the data is indexed.

The following sections describe the different options of Data Index deployments.

Data Index as a standalone service

It can be deployed explicitly referencing the image, starting a separated service inside a container. See Data Index standalone.

Image of data-index deployment an external service

This type of deployment requires to choose the right image depending on the persistence, specify the database connection properties, and the event consumption configuration.

Data Index service as Quarkus Development service

It also can be deployed, transparently as a Quarkus Development Service when the Quarkus Dev mode is used in the OpenShift Serverless Logic application. When you use the OpenShift Serverless Logic Process Quarkus extension, a temporary Data Index Service is automatically provisioned while the Quarkus application is running in development mode and the Dev Service is set up for immediate use.

Image of data-index deployment an Quarkus Dev Service

More details are provided in the Data Index as a Quarkus Development service section.

The OpenShift Serverless Logic Process Quarkus extension sets up your Quarkus application to automatically replicate any OpenShift Serverless Logic messaging events related to workflow instances or jobs into the provisioned Data Index instance.

For more information about Quarkus Dev Services, see Dev Services guide.

Data Index service as Quarkus extension

It can be included as part of the same OpenShift Serverless Logic application using the Data Index extension, through the provided addons.

This scenario is specific to add the Data Index data indexing features and the GraphQL endpoint exposure inside a workflow application.

The communication with the workflow where the extension is added, is something internal to the application, allowing to simplify the communication between services and avoiding extra configuration for that purpose.

In this case, the indexation has some limitations: it is only able to index data from the workflows deployed in the same application.

Image of data-index as a Quarkus Extension

More details are available in the Data Index Quarkus Extension section.

Data Index storage

In order to store the indexed data, Data Index needs some specific tables to be created. Data Index is ready to use Quarkus flyway for that purpose.

It’s necessary to activate the migrate-at-start option to migrate the Data Index schema automatically.

For more details about Flyway migrations, see PostgreSQL Database Migration section.

Data Index GraphQL endpoint

Data Index provides GraphQL endpoint that allows users to interact with the stored data. For more information about GraphQL see GraphQL

GraphQL queries for workflow instances and jobs

This guide provides as examples, some GraphQL queries that allow to retrieve data about workflow instances and jobs.

Retrieve data from workflow instances

You can retrieve data about a specified instance from your workflow definition.

Example query
  ProcessInstances {
    nodes {
Retrieve data from jobs

You can retrieve data from a specified job instance.

Example query
  Jobs {
Filter query results using the where parameter

You can use the where parameter with multiple combinations to filter query results based on workflow attributes.

Example query
  ProcessInstances(where: {state: {equal: ACTIVE}}) {
Example query
  ProcessInstances(where: {id: {equal: "d43a56b6-fb11-4066-b689-d70386b9a375"}}) {

By default, all filtered attributes are executed as AND operations in queries. You can modify this behavior by combining filters with an AND or OR operator.

Example query
  ProcessInstances(where: {or: {state: {equal: ACTIVE}, rootProcessId: {isNull: false}}}) {
Example query
  ProcessInstances(where: {and: {processId: {equal: "travels"}, or: {state: {equal: ACTIVE}, rootProcessId: {isNull: false}}}}) {

Depending on the attribute type, the following operators are also available:

  • String array argument:

    • contains : String

    • containsAll: Array of strings

    • containsAny: Array of strings

    • isNull: Boolean (true or false)

  • String argument:

    • in: Array of strings

    • like: String

    • isNull: Boolean (true or false)

    • equal: String

  • ID argument:

    • in: Array of strings

    • equal: String

    • isNull: Boolean (true or false)

  • Boolean argument:

    • isNull: Boolean (true or false)

    • equal: Boolean (true or false)

  • Numeric argument:

    • in: Array of integers

    • isNull: Boolean

    • equal: Integer

    • greaterThan: Integer

    • greaterThanEqual: Integer

    • lessThan: Integer

    • lessThanEqual: Integer

    • between: Numeric range

    • from: Integer

    • to: Integer

  • Date argument:

    • isNull: Boolean (true or false)

    • equal: Date time

    • greaterThan: Date time

    • greaterThanEqual: Date time

    • lessThan: Date time

    • lessThanEqual: Date time

    • between: Date range

    • from: Date time

    • to: Date time

Sort query results using the orderBy parameter

You can use the orderBy parameter to sort query results based on workflow attributes. You can also specify the direction of sorting in ascending ASC order or descending DESC order. Multiple attributes are applied to the database query in the order they are specified in the query filter.

Example query
  ProcessInstances(where: {state: {equal: ACTIVE}}, orderBy: {start: ASC}) {
Limit and offset query results using the pagination parameter

You can use the pagination parameter to specify a limit and offset for query results.

Example query
  ProcessInstances(where: {state: {equal: ACTIVE}}, orderBy: {start: ASC}, pagination: {limit: 10, offset: 0}) {

Data Index service Gateway API

Data Index incorporates a set of queries or mutations that allow firing operations on workflow endpoints using GraphQL notation.

The Data Index Gateway API enables you to perform the following operations:

Abort a workflow instance

Retrieves a workflow instance with the ID passed as a parameter and launches the abort operation on related OpenShift Serverless Logic service.

Example mutation for abort operation
mutation {
    ProcessInstanceAbort (id:"66e05e9c-eaab-47af-a83e-156498b7096d")
Retry a workflow instance

Retrieves a workflow instance with the id passed as a parameter and launches the retry operation on related OpenShift Serverless Logic service.

Example mutation for retry operation
mutation {
    ProcessInstanceRetry (id:"66e05e9c-eaab-47af-a83e-156498b7096d")
Skip a workflow instance

Retrieves a workflow instance with the ID passed as a parameter and launches the skip operation on related OpenShift Serverless Logic service.

Example mutation for skip operation
mutation {
    ProcessInstanceSkip (id:"66e05e9c-eaab-47af-a83e-156498b7096d")
Retrieve workflow instance nodes

Retrieves the nodes of a workflow instance that are coming from the process definition. When the nodeDefinitions field of a workflow instance is queried, a call to a specific OpenShift Serverless Logic service is generated to retrieve the requested list of available nodes.

Example query to retrieve workflow instance nodes
{ProcessInstances(where: { id: {equal: "1017afb1-5749-440e-8b9b-6b876bb5894d"}}){
Update workflow instance variables

Updates the variables of a workflow instance using the id passed as a parameter. Retrieves a workflow instance using the id passed as a parameter and launches the update operation on related OpenShift Serverless Logic service with the new values passed in variables parameter.

Example mutation to update workflow instance variables
mutation {
Trigger a node instance

Triggers a node instance using the node definition nodeId. The nodeId is included in the nodeInstances of a workflow instance using the id passed as parameter.

Example mutation to trigger a node instance
    id: "9674e3ed-8c13-4c3f-870e-7465d9ca7ca7",
Retrigger a node instance

Retriggers a node instance using the id, which is similar to nodeInstanceId related to a workflow instance. The id of the workflow instance is passed as a parameter.

Example mutation to retrigger a node instance
    id: "9674e3ed-8c13-4c3f-870e-7465d9ca7ca7",
Cancel a node instance

Cancels a node instance with the id, which is similar to nodeInstanceId related to a workflow instance. The id of the workflow instance is passed as a parameter.

Example mutation to cancel a node instance
    id: "9674e3ed-8c13-4c3f-870e-7465d9ca7ca7",

To enable described management operations on workflow instances, make sure your project is configured to have the kogito-addons-quarkus-process-management dependency on its pom.xml file to have this management operations enabled, like:

Retrieve the workflow instance source file content

Retrieves the workflow instance source file. When the source field of a workflow instance is queried, a call to a specific OpenShift Serverless Logic service is generated to retrieve the requested workflow instance source file content.

Example query to retrieve a workflow instance source file content
{ProcessInstances(where: { id: {equal: "1017afb1-5749-440e-8b9b-6b876bb5894d"}}){

The workflow instance source field only will be available when kogito-addons-quarkus-source-files dependency is added on OpenShift Serverless Logic runtime service pom.xml file.

Reschedule a job

Reschedules a job using the id. The job id and other information are passed in the data parameter.

Example mutation to reschedule a job
    id: "9674e3ed-8c13-4c3f-870e-7465d9ca7ca7",
    data:"{\"expirationTime\": \"2033-06-27T04:35:54.631Z\",\"retries\": 2}")
Cancel a job

Cancels a job using the id passed as a parameter.

Example mutation to cancel a job
    id: "9674e3ed-8c13-4c3f-870e-7465d9ca7ca7")

Data Index GraphQL UI

Data Index GraphQL UI is provided to interact with GraphQL endpoint.

Image of data-index GraphQL UI

When the Data Index is deployed as a standalone service, this UI will be available at /graphiql/ endpoint (i.e: at localhost:8180/graphiql/)

To have the GraphQL UI available when the Data Index extension is deployed the property needs to be enabled.

It will be accessible at: <quarkus.http.root-path><quarkus.http.non-application-root-path>/graphql-ui/ (i.e: localhost:8080/q/graphql-ui/)

The quarkus.http.root-path' and `quarkus.http.non-application-root-path belong to the workflow application where the Data Index extension has been added. Here there are more details about those properties and their default values.

Data Index service communication configuration

In order to index the data, Data Index allows multiple connection options to be able to consume the information provided by the different workflows.

The final goal is to receive the application-generated data related to the workflow instances and jobs. The information that comes inside events, is indexed and stored in the database allowing it to be consumed through the provided GraphQL endpoint.

Knative Eventing

In order to interact with the Data Index separated service, use the Knative eventing system eventing:

  • Add the Data Index service and deployment, defining the Database connection properties and setting the KOGITO_DATA_INDEX_QUARKUS_PROFILE to http-events-support.

  • Specify the Knative Triggers to filter the Data Index events.

Example DataIndex resource with triggers definition (requires Knative):
kind: Trigger
  name: data-index-service-postgresql-processes-trigger
  broker: default
      type: ProcessInstanceEvent
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
      name: data-index-service-postgresql
    uri: /processes
kind: Trigger
  name: data-index-service-postgresql-jobs-trigger
  broker: default
      type: JobEvent
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
      name: data-index-service-postgresql
    uri: /jobs
  • Configure the workflow to use the K_SINK as outgoing connection url

Example of configuration in OpenShift Serverless Logic application file to communicate with Knative

Job service needs also to be configured to send the events to the Knative K_SINK to have them available for Data Index related triggers.

Kafka eventing

To configure the communication between the Data Index Service and the workflow through Kafka, you must provide a set of configurations.

  • Add the Data Index service and deployment, defining the Database connection properties and setting the KOGITO_DATA_INDEX_QUARKUS_PROFILE to kafka-events-support (this value is set by default).

  • Configure the OpenShift Serverless Logic application to use the smallrye-kafka connector and the expected topic.

Example of configuration in OpenShift Serverless Logic application file to communicate with Kafka

Job service is configured to send the JobEvents to the kafka topic kogito-jobs-events to have them available for Data Index consumption.

Data Index Quarkus extension and Jobs embedded addon

When Data Index functionality is added as a Quarkus extension to the workflow, there is no event configuration. In this case, the data indexation is done internally, and all interactions are through the Data Index Gateway API.

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